Hey, campers! We’ll open up this site to THATCamp applicants and announce our exciting BootCamp program later this week — including two tracks: one offering a super-condensed version of the training program from the Scholars’ Lab’s NEH Institute for Enabling Geospatial Scholarship, and the other on programming, web design, and content management skills for humanists! BootCamp will be held the day before THATCampVA starts. Tuition is free while spaces last, but you may be eligible for fellowship funding to defray travel expenses!

But, whatever. Here’s the big news: on Saturday night, December 18th, Dzian!, an international surf-garage rock band with a sizable local following, will play a special show for THATCampVA and friends at the 12th Street Tap House. Dzian! plays a selection of 1960s-70s dance pop and garage/surf rock from the entire continent of Asia. They perform semi-regularly with their own gogo dancers, The Nakashi Dancers, and have lately started a collaboration with Fire in the Belly, a local belly dance group. Best of all? Dzian! is led by digital humanists: Scholars’ Lab denizens and fellows, UVa music grad students and recent PhDs. Dzian! (That means “super-cool!”)